405 research outputs found

    Beeldenstorm in de Geneeskunde

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    De Dikke van Dale|1 kent aan het woord “Beeldenstorm” twee gangbare betekenissen toe. De beeldenstorm is met name bekend als een belangrijk moment in onze vaderlandse geschiedenis, en refereert aan de “calvinistische volksbeweging in 1566, vooral in Vlaanderen en Brabant, tegen het vereren van beelden in kerken”. Deze beeldenstorm ging gepaard met “gewelddadige vernieling en verwoesting van beelden, schilderijen en andere kostbaarheden en kunstwerken in kerken”. Hoewel er ook zeker politieke en sociale oorzaken aan de beeldenstorm ten grondslag lagen, waren de motieven voor de beeldenstorm dus met name van ideële, religieuze aard. De volksbeweging zette zich af tegen de verering van beelden, en de protserige rijkdom van de Rooms-katholieke kerk. De gevolgen van de beeldenstorm waren voor de Nederlanden verstrekkend. De gebeurtenissen leidden ertoe dat Filips II de hertog van Alva naar de Nederlanden stuurde, om een strafexpeditie uit te voeren, er het katholieke geloof op te leggen, en het bestuur te centraliseren. Weerstand tegen dit regime leidde tot de tachtigjarige oorlog. Indirect kan de beeldenstorm dus worden gezien als aanleiding voor de tachtigjarige oorlog. Het zich afzetten tegen de gevestigde orde vinden we terug in de tweede betekenis die de Dikke van Dale aan het woord “beeldenstorm” toekent: “Bestrijding van geijkte instellingen, conventies, gevestigde opvattingen”. Met deze rede sluit ik me graag aan bij deze tweede, figuurlijke betekenis van het woord beeldenstorm. Want het zijn met name beelden die de geneeskunde de laatste eeuwen ingrijpend hebben veranderd. En het zijn met name beelden die tot belangrijke nieuwe inzichten hebben geleid, zowel op het gebied van de menselijke anatomie en fysiologie, als in het begrip van ziekteprocessen. Dit is niet zo verwonderlijk, gezien de kracht van het beeld. We kennen niet voor niets de uitdrukking: “Eerst zien, dan geloven”. We leren door te zien. Er bestaat geen krachtiger middel om gevestigde opinies te bestrijden dan beelden te tonen die met deze opinies in strijd zijn. En er bestaat geen krachtiger middel om nieuwe inzichten te verwerven in een systeem dan door de processen die zich in het systeem afspelen af te beelden. Zo ook in de geneeskunde.Rede. In verkorte vorm uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het aanvaarden van het ambt van hoogleraar met als leeropdracht Medische Beeldverwerking in de Radiologie en Medische Informatica aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universtiteit Rotterdam op 13 januari 200

    Level-Set Based Artery-Vein Separation in Blood Pool Agent CE-MR Angiograms

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    Blood pool agents (BPAs) for contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic-resonance angiography (MRA) allow prolonged imaging times for higher contrast and resolution. Imaging is performed during the steady state when the contrast agent is distributed through the complete vascular system. However, simultaneous venous and arterial enhancement in this steady state hampers interpretation. In order to improve visualization of the arteries and veins from steady-state BPA data, a semiautomated method for artery-vein separation is presented. In this method, the central arterial axis and central venous axis are used as initializations for two surfaces that simultaneously evolve in order to capture the arterial and venous parts of the vasculature using the level-set framework. Since arteries and veins can be in close proximity of each other, leakage from the evolving arterial (venous) surface into the venous (arterial) part of the vasculature is inevitable. In these situations, voxels are labeled arterial or venous based on the arrival time of the respective surface. The evolution is steered by external forces related to feature images derived from the image data and by internal forces related to the geometry of the level sets. In this paper, the robustness and accuracy of three external forces (based on image intensity, image gradient, and vessel-enhancement filtering) and combinations of them are investigated and tested on seven patient datasets. To this end, results with the level-set-based segmentation are compared to the reference-standard manually obtained segmentations. Best results are achieved by applying a combination of intensity- and gradient-based forces and a smoothness constraint based on the curvature of the surface. By applying this combination to the seven datasets, it is shown that, with minimal user interaction, artery-vein separation for improved arterial and venous visualization in BPA CE-MRA can be achieved

    Vessel enhancing diffusion: a scale space representation of vessel

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    A method is proposed to enhance vascular structures within the framework of scale space theory. We combine a smooth vessel filter which is based on a geometrical analysis of the Hessian's eigensystem, with a non-linear anisotropic diffusion scheme. The amount and orientation of diffusion depend on the local vessel likeliness. Vessel enhancing diffusion (VED) is applied to patient and phantom data and compared to linear, regularized Perona-Malik, edge and coherence enhancing diffusion. The method performs better than most of the existing techniques in visualizing vessels with varying radii and in enhancing vessel appearance. A diameter study on phantom data shows that VED least affects the accuracy of diameter measurements. It is shown that using VED as a preprocessing step improves level set based segmentation of the cerebral vasculature, in particular segmentation of the smaller vessels of the vasculature

    Vessel Axis Tracking Using Topology Constrained Surface Evolution

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    An approach to three-dimensional vessel axis tracking based on surface evolution is presented. The main idea is to guide the evolution of the surface by analyzing its skeleton topology during evolution, and imposing shape constraints on the topology. For example, the intermediate topology can be processed such that it represents a single vessel segment, a bifurcation, or a more complex vascular topology. The evolving surface is then re-initialized with the newly found topology. Re-initialization is a crucial step since it creates probing behavior of the evolving front, encourages the segmentation process to extract the vascular structure of interest and reduces the risk on leaking of the curve into the background. The method was evaluated in two computed tomography angiography applications: (i) extracting the internal carotid arteries including the region in which they traverse through the skull base, which is challenging due to the proximity of bone structures and overlap in intensity values, and (ii) extracting the carotid bifurcations including many cases in which they are severely stenosed and contain calcifications. The vessel axis was found in 90% (18/20 internal carotids in ten patients) and 70% (14/20 carotid bifurcations in a different set of ten patients) of the cases

    Multiple sparse representations classification

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    Sparse representations classification (SRC) is a powerful technique for pixelwise classification of images and it is increasingly being used for a wide variety of image analysis tasks. The method uses sparse representation and learned redundant dictionaries to classify image pixels. In this empirical study we propose to further leverage the redundancy of the learned dictionaries to achieve a more accurate classifier. In conventional SRC, each image pixel is associated with a small patch surrounding it. Using these patches, a dictionary is trained for each class in a supervised fashion. Commonly, redundant/overcomplete dictionaries are trained and image patches are sparsely represented by a linear combination of only a few of the dictionary elements. Given a set of trained dictionaries, a new patch is sparse coded using each of them, and subsequently assigned to the class whose dictionary yields the minimum residual energy.We propose a generalization of this scheme. The method, which we call multiple sparse representations classification (mSRC), is based on the observation that an overcomplete, class specific dictionary is capable of generating multiple accurate and independent estimates of a patch belonging to the class. So instead of finding a single sparse representation of a patch for each dictionary, we find multiple, and the corresponding residual energies provides an enhanced statistic which is used to improve classification. We demonstrate the efficacy of mSRC for three example applications: pixelwise classification of texture images, lumen segmentation in carotid artery magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and bifurcation point detection in carotid artery MRI. We compare our method with conventional SRC, K-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine classifiers. The results show that mSRC outperforms SRC and the other reference methods. In addition, we present an extensive evaluation of the effect of the main mSRC parameters: patch size, dictionary size, and sparsity level

    Continuous roadmapping in liver TACE procedures using 2D–3D catheter-based registration

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    PURPOSE: Fusion of pre/perioperative images and intra-operative images may add relevant information during image-guided procedures. In abdominal procedures, respiratory motion changes the position of organs, and thus accurate image guidance requires a continuous update of the spatial alignment of the (pre/perioperative) information with the organ position during the intervention. METHODS: In this paper, we propose a method to register in real time perioperative 3D rotational angiography images (3DRA) to intra-operative single-plane 2D fluoroscopic images for improved guidance in TACE interventions. The method uses the shape of 3D vessels extracted from the 3DRA and the 2D catheter shape extracted from fluoroscopy. First, the appropriate 3D vessel is selected from the complete vascular tree using a shape similarity metric. Subsequently, the catheter is registered to this vessel, and the 3DRA is visualized based on the registration results. The method is evaluated on simulated data and clinical data. RESULTS: The first selected vessel, ranked with the shape similarity metric, is used more than 39 % in the final registration and the second more than 21 %. The median of the closest corresponding points distance between 2D angiography vessels and projected 3D vessels is 4.7–5.4 mm when using the brute force optimizer and 5.2–6.6 mm when using the Powell optimizer. CONCLUSION: We present a catheter-based registration method to continuously fuse a 3DRA roadmap arterial tree onto 2D fluoroscopic images with an efficient shape similarity

    Non-rigid registration of liver ct images for ct-guided ablation of liver tumors

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    CT-guided percutaneous ablation for liver cancer treatment is a relevant technique for patients not eligible for surgery and with tumors that are inconspicuous on US imaging. The lack of real-time imaging and the use of a limited amount of CT contrast agent make targeting the tumor with the needle challenging. In this study, we evaluate a registration framework that allows the integration of diagnostic pre-operative contrast enhanced CT images and intra-operative non-contrast enhanced CT images to improve image guidance in the intervention. The liver and tumor are segmented in the pre-operative contrast enhanced CT images. Next, the contrast enhanced image is registered to the intra-operative CT images in a two-stage approach. First, the contrast-enhanced diagnostic image is non-rigidly registered to a non-contrast enhanced image that is conventionally acquired at the start of the intervention. In case the initial registration is not sufficiently accurate, a refinement step is applied using non-rigid registration method with a local rigidity term. In the second stage, the intra-operative CT-images that are used to check the needle position, which often consist of only a few slices, are registered rigidly to the intra-operative image that was acquired at the start of the intervention. Subsequently, the diagnostic image is registered to the current intra-operative image, using both transformations, this allows the visualization of the tumor region extracted from pre-operative data in the intra-operative CT images containing needle. The method is evaluated on imaging data of 19 patients at the Erasmus MC. Quantitative evaluation is performed using the Dice metric, mean surface distance of the liver border and corresponding landmarks in the diagnostic and the intra-operative images. The registration of the diagnostic CT image to the initial intra-operative CT image did not require a refinement step in 13 cases. For those cases, the resulting registration had a Dice coefficient for the livers of 91.4%, a mean surface distance of 4.4 mm and a mean distance between corresponding landmarks of 4.7 mm. For the three cases with a refinement step, the registration result significantly improved (p<0.05) compared to the result of the initial non rigid registration method (DICE of 90.3% vs 71.3% and mean surface distance of 5.1 mm vs 11.3 mm and mean distanc

    Intrasubject multimodal groupwise registration with the conditional template entropy

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    Image registration is an important task in medical image analysis. Whereas most methods are designed for the registration of two images (pairwise registration), there is an increasing interest in simultaneously aligning more than two images using groupwise registration. Multimodal registration in a groupwise setting remains difficult, due to the lack of generally applicable similarity metrics. In this work, a novel similarity metric for such groupwise registration problems is proposed. The metric calculates the sum of the conditional entropy between each image in the group and a representative template image constructed iteratively using principal component analysis. The proposed metric is validated in extensive experiments on synthetic and intrasubject clinical image data. These experiments showed equivalent or improved registration accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art (dis)similarity metrics and improved transformation consistency compared to pairwise mutual information

    IT Infrastructure to Support the Secondary Use of Routinely Acquired Clinical Imaging Data for Research

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    We propose an infrastructure for the automated anonymization, extraction and processing of image data stored in clinical data repositories to make routinely acquired imaging data available for research purposes. The automated system, which was tested in the context of analyzing routinely acquired MR brain imaging data, consists of four modules: subject selection using PACS query, anonymization of privacy sensitive information and removal of facial features, quality assurance on DICOM header and image information, and quantitative imaging biomarker extraction. In total, 1,616 examinations were selected based on the following MRI scanning protocols: dementia protocol (246), multiple sclerosis protocol (446) and open question protocol (924). We evaluated the effectiveness of the infrastructure in accessing and successfully extracting biomarkers from routinely acquired clinical imaging data. To examine the validity, we compared brain volumes between patient groups with positive and negative diagnosis, according to the patient reports. Overall, success rates of image data retrieval and automatic processing were 82.5 %, 82.3 % and 66.2 % for the three protocol groups respectively, indicating that a large percentage of routinely acquired clinical imaging data can be used for brain volumetry research, despite image heterogeneity. In line with the literature, brain volumes were found to be significantly smaller (p-value <0.001) in patients with a positive diagnosis of dementia (915 ml) compared to patients with a negative diagnosis (939 ml). This study demonstrates that quantitative image biomarkers such as intracranial and brain volume can be extracted from routinely acquired clinical imaging data. This enables secondary use of clinical images for research into quantitative biomarkers at a hitherto unprecedented scale

    Trajectories of imaging markers in brain aging: the Rotterdam Study

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    With aging, the brain undergoes several structural changes. These changes reflect the normal aging process and are therefore not necessarily pathologic. In fact, better understanding of these normal changes is an important cornerstone to also disentangle pathologic changes. Several studies have investigated normal brain aging, both cross-sectional and longitudinal, and focused on a broad range of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers. This study aims to comprise the different aspects in brain aging, by performing
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